Clojure's unsung heroics with concurrency

Clojure has a good reputation for concurrency. People write Clojure programs that work on hundreds of threads, all safely reading and writing to the same memory. People know about the immutable data structures and the STM. But there's something going on at a much deeper level that is really hard to get right in Java. It has to do with the optimizations the JIT will run on your code.

To undertand what I'm referring to, let's look at a series of optimizations that the JIT can do.

Here's some Java code with a loop.

public class A {
  public void loopUntilDone(DoneChecker a) {
     while(!a.isDone()) {

You pass in an object that will tell you when to stop looping. Let's look at DoneChecker.

public class Donechecker {
  private boolean _isDone = false;
  public boolean isDone() {
    return _isDone;
  public void setDone() {
    _isDone = true;

Very simple and easy. And it works. But then you run this a lot, and what happens? It stops working! Sometimes, you get an infinite loop. When you debug it, it always works. But after running for about 5 minutes, it goes back into the infinite loop.

When something like that happens, it's often the JIT. The JIT will optimize code that is run frequently. The debugger will use the unoptimized bytecode and interpret it. If it doesn't happen during debugging, but does happen after the JIT has had a chance to run, the JIT could be the culprit.

Let's step through the optimizations the JIT is allowed to do.

The first thing is called inlining. We can inline the call to isDone().

public class A {
  public void loopUntilDone(DoneChecker a) {
     while(!a._isDone) {

That's great. It avoids a method call. The next thing it can do is caching. If a value in the heap is accessed more than once, the JIT is allowed to cache that value on the heap using a local variable.

public class A {
  public void loopUntilDone(DoneChecker a) {
     boolean _isDone = a._isDone;
     while(!_isDone) {

That's great! It avoids costly memory fetches. But wait! Something has changed. Before, we were checking the value of a's field every time through the loop. We were expecting another thread to change the value at some point. But now it's only checking once. So the JIT has turned this into an infinite loop! This was hard for me to believe at first, but it's true.

Java defaults to the sequential case. To avoid this problem, you have to put a "memory barrier" to tell the JIT that it can't inline this value. In this case, the proper keyword to use is volatile. Any time a value will be accessed by multiple threads, you should use volatile.

Did you know that? I certainly didn't before I did some research. I wrote Java code for years and I never used volatile. Before you run to your Java project to make sure you're using volatile correctly, crying over years of wasted debugging time looking for those heisenbugs (like I did), let me finish about Clojure.

Clojure simply makes a different tradeoff: assume everything will be accessed by multiple threads. While most things in Clojure are immutable (and so can be cached), the things that can change (atoms, refs, vars, etc.) are done with the correct memory barriers and locks.

I hear people talking about immutable values and STM. But I don't hear so much about this correct use of memory barriers in the core implementations. But what it means is that Clojure is much safer for threading than Java, without having to think about it. Yet another reason Clojure is a Better Java.

The JVM is complicated, but Clojure makes it easier. There's stil a lot to know, though. That's why I made JVM Fundamentals for Clojur e. It's a video course with more than 5 hours of lessons about stuff I use all the time as a professional Clojure programmer.

There's one last thing I'd like to discuss, and those are the dreaded Clojure stacktraces. Next time!