Clojure Gazette 160: Om Next, Fairy Tales, Lambda

Om Next, Fairy Tales, Lambda


Issue 160 - February 15, 2016

Hi Clojurians,

Clojure Remote looked like a success. I didn't get to attend as much as I wanted, but the talks I did see were top notch. I gave a talk and was on a panel called "Clojure & the Community" ( watch it here ). The discussion during and after was positive and stimulating.

While the concensus is that the community is awesome, everyone is talking about inclusivness. They recognize that it's a stated value that we aspire to, there's a lot of room for improvement. Like most tech communities, it's disproportionately made up of white males. And as the Clojure community grows, we've got to actively welcome people who are different from us . We've got great tech with great ideas. A lot of people share these ideas and want to belong, but they don't know if they'd fit in with us. It's time we let them know that we want to work and play with them.

Alex Miller had something of a call to arms during the panel:

"If you're not seeing what you want in the community, then go out there and make it!"

Rock on!

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Sponsor: The Ultimate Guide to Learning Clojure for Free

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What can we do to help people join our community? Bryan Liles says it's not about acceptance, it's about belonging. People want to feel like they belong. He gives some practical advice. Check out this article by Ashe Dryden for more information.


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Clojure Resources

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How to build an Om Next Remote

Over at the JUXT blog there's a summary of how they taught Om Next at a training course. It explains some of the fundamental concepts of Om Next.